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  1. S

    Summors posts dropped here

    Josh, you have a history of being an antagonistic pest who only entered forums to start fights. You're always rude, always combative and have contributed nothing to the RP community since you've been here. But you're so narcissistic you can't see that. You're not a god. You're not a legend...
  2. S

    Locked out before I was answered...

    Actually sword and shield vs pole is a game of inches. The sword and shield wielder is at an advantage if he knows how to engage a fighter with a polearm. The way you engage someone with a polearm if you've got a sword and shield is to not fight at the polearm's range. Rush him and fight...
  3. S

    Locked out before I was answered...

    What I do is SCA heavy combat and we are hard contact, but not necessarily full. We don't allow grappling and shit like that, but it's sufficient enough for what we do. My body armor is made out of leather with brass accents. this video shows what we do.
  4. S

    Locked out before I was answered...

    1. Hi Dizzi. 2. Haven't been in law enforcement since I left Louisiana in 2011. I'm a private security contractor now. No, not as cool as it sounds. Oregon sucks at hiring cops. 3. There's some stuff kinda going on here. I dunno. Summer is busy for me with tournaments and war and stuff...
  5. S

    A heads up...

    45min to 1hr south of me.
  6. S

    A heads up...

    What part of Oregon?
  7. S

    A heads up...

    You're going to have to make a choice. You'll see what the options are. Act in the best interest of the child.
  8. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Been busy. Glad you are all writing still.
  9. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Kung Amenophis will still be around. He just needs to do a lot more damage than he's done so far. Besides, other people have other stories they want to tell and I don't want to inject myself into everyone's story as a direct influence. So for now, The Raven King watches and waits. I just wanted...
  10. S

    Kharzai history/overview

    just some highpoints about the group. The Kharzai are the descendants of a group of elves known in Ancient Ayenee as the Eru. The Eru are rarely spoken of out loud due to the heinous deeds committed by race in the past and the dark magic they were said to practice. Those able to resist the...
  11. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Welp, it was fun, but I think it's time to draw that intro to a close. I'll be around here and there to maybe harass heroes and throw a bad guy at them now and then. It was fun. Use it as canon, don't use it, either way, mine arse doth not ache.
  12. S

    The Awakening and Story Arc's

    nevermind. it was just an issue with my phone. Forgive the panic.
  13. S

    The Awakening

    The sword's siren song sang softly in Khan's ears. A trembling hand slowly reached for the sword until a voice advised him to not touch flesh to the handle. A good horseman always had gloves... (Yes, he put on gloves and took the blade in hand) Duvessa lay broken near the main gates of...
  14. S

    The Awakening and Story Arc's

    The ic forums are not visible from the index.
  15. S

    The Awakening

    That blade...that wretched blade torn from Amenophis' gut spread pain through his very bones. He dropped Matron's lifeless body and touched the gaping wound. It would not seal... His eyes widened with panic at the sight of his own blood. Those entranced by his words would swiftly move to his...
  16. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Gk for it.
  17. S

    The Awakening

    Duvessa let out a shriek as the Great Cat's power overwhelmed her and shattered the very balcony upon which she stood. The array of light that radiated from above was enough to catch the attention of many eyes, including that of King Amenophis. For he did not see that steel as it lunged...
  18. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Tyrtaeus is in the middle of the battlefield Khan has been flung out on the battlefield The lizardman army has fled to the mouth of the mountain pass the Kharzai army is in front of the black bridge that leads into Ironhold Duvessa is in Ironhold on a balcony overlooking the bridge...
  19. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Life is a hurricane right now. I'll post tonight/tommorow
  20. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Wow. I'll try to make this good then!
  21. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Matron is about to get shoved to the forefront of this thing. I need to shift my focus to playing the antagonist. I apologize for my absence. It's been a busy week.
  22. S

    The Awakening

    "Not right at all..." Khan said in return before walking forward, pushing through the crowd. "Father? We know you not!" He called out to King Amenophis. Karma too could hear the words of the Great Cat, but narrowed her eyes, ignoring them. "This man has saved us...flesh of our flesh, blood of...
  23. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Post at will if you wish. Its okay.
  24. S

    The Awakening

    "For years I have been trapped inside that crown, hidden away from prying eyes, cursed till my people came home... And now, destiny has shone upon me once more..." Amenophis walked across the throneroom and opened his arms as he moved out on to the balcony to overlook the entirety of the...
  25. S

    The Awakening

    The battle was slowly dying down. Fighting had come to a virtual standstill as Grom Bloodhammer called for his troops to regroup at the mouth of the mountain trail. Karma held her men at bay, fighting desperately the urge to pursue. Horses lurched forward, sensing the aggression of their riders...
  26. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    It's Always night on the mountain for some reason...
  27. S

    The Awakening

    Up the knee, across the thigh, to make hole in the demon's gut the knight did. Furious flurries of strikes spilled black blood upon the snow. Even as the demon coiled his hand around the lower half of Tyrtaeus' body, the knight continued to fight. His blazing blade stabbed the beast's hand...
  28. S

    Feeling Nostalgic

    I meant child porn. Yahoo user rooms were shut down because people were trading child porn in them.
  29. S

    Vamp RP...Can we do it right?

    Simplicity is best. Vampires: Super strong, super fast, need teh bloodz, killed by beheading, staking through the heart or sunlight, makes ghouls be feeding living people their blood, makes other vampires by biting with intent to turn. To me, thats the base modwl vampire. No leather seats or...
  30. S

    Feeling Nostalgic

    User rooms were shut down because they had become a big spot where people were tradimg photos and videos of very sick things. We suffered because of a group of perverts and degenerates. Anyway, hi.
  31. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Nalua and Swish know who Xanatos is. swish moreso.
  32. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Xanatos and Duvessa.
  33. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Yep...and already in the throneroom. They appeared on the ridge, walked down through a tower built into the mountainside and are now in the throneroom. Things are going from worse...
  34. S

    Ohemgeez! Zombie apocolypse!!!!

    Title: The Loner Name: Sean Walker Occupation: Deputy Sheriff "I fight crime with you. I don't drink beer with you." That was Walker's response anytime we tried to invite the guy yo hang out with us. He's a good cop, but kinda rough around the edges. Heard he used to be a cop down in New...
  35. S

    The Awakening

    Tyrtaeus slowly took his blade in both hands as he walked toward the greater demon. They locked eyes now. Amid the chaos of war and chaos, even as arrows flew to and fro, betwixt these foes, time stood still... The demon grinned, baring fangs as large as the men he devoured. Tyrtaeus roared and...
  36. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Drew a map. Its ugly, but will do. Just need to upload from this phone.
  37. S

    The Awakening

    Tyrtaeus dismounted his horse and grabbed Nalya as she returned. He listened to her plead for them to go back, but he shook his head. "We cannot! We must trust and believe that Swish will be safe. Get to the Ironhold with the others, you'll be safe there!" Suddenly a crash was heard near the...
  38. S

    The Awakening

    As the Kharzai entered the citadel, torches lit and wells sprung to life. Those who entered were awestricken by an overwhelming sense of familiarity. The sights, the smells, the tapestries that depicted ancient peoples who looked very similar to those who cautiously walked the halls now; it all...
  39. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    That's nice. Have a great evening.
  40. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    You can leave if you want, and go sit in your corner and act butthurt, or you can actually take what it happening into consideration and ask yourself "Hmmn, how can I approach this with some level of tact and courtesy to the story without making it all about me?" Yes, I play a lot of characters...
  41. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Dude, i'll be blunt. One guy conveniently has an army in his pocket and a dragon just showed up. This shit just escalated. Quickly. And frankly, this throws a huge curveball in the direction was attempting to drive this story. There's no point in reading it when deus ex machina saves the day.
  42. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Okay. I don't know if ya'll think this is end game or something. People, this story has barely started. But, if you want me to pull out the big guns, I will.
  43. S

    The Awakening

    Tyrtaeus looked to Matron one last time. ". We must not fight here! If you seek to survive this, stay close! Thunder, make haste! Hyah!" The steed then reared, turned and bolted for the mountains. Tyrtaeus rode faster than he ever had. His steed's barding flapped furiously with every powerful...
  44. S

    The Awakening

    Tyrtaeus glanced to Matron then to Grom Bloodhammer. Grom looked down from his position on the hilltop and snorted once. The vast army of lizard men with him snarled and growled; hundreds of them could be seen and who knew what was beyond the horizon. "The path to Ironhold will allow only six...
  45. S

    Time to Move

    (Dude, read the date on the last post. This thread hasn't been posted in in like 3 years.)
  46. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

  47. S

    The Awakening

    Tyrtaeus looked to Nalya and Swish and smiled under his helm. The child Nalya sought to nuzzle reached out and touched her nose. Other children watched on, the looked to the mountains. The resolve in their eyes was as hard as the stone upon which they tread. Tyrtaeus could see it. These children...
  48. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    I despise vampires as so many are played. But I play a hunter quite well. It's in my nature.
  49. S

    The Awakening

    Xanatos blinked at the sudden rush of light and heat the filled his dark chambers. Ominous words did those sparking eyes speak; promises of his end. He smiled as the image faded away and slowly rose from his chair. "I have your attention now, great cat. Now, let us make this interesting..."...
  50. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    I only hunt them. Hmmn. *writes that down, dusts off old character*
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