Recent content by Spartan

  1. S

    Summors posts dropped here

    Josh, you have a history of being an antagonistic pest who only entered forums to start fights. You're always rude, always combative and have contributed nothing to the RP community since you've been here. But you're so narcissistic you can't see that. You're not a god. You're not a legend...
  2. S

    Locked out before I was answered...

    Actually sword and shield vs pole is a game of inches. The sword and shield wielder is at an advantage if he knows how to engage a fighter with a polearm. The way you engage someone with a polearm if you've got a sword and shield is to not fight at the polearm's range. Rush him and fight...
  3. S

    Locked out before I was answered...

    What I do is SCA heavy combat and we are hard contact, but not necessarily full. We don't allow grappling and shit like that, but it's sufficient enough for what we do. My body armor is made out of leather with brass accents. this video shows what we do.
  4. S

    Locked out before I was answered...

    1. Hi Dizzi. 2. Haven't been in law enforcement since I left Louisiana in 2011. I'm a private security contractor now. No, not as cool as it sounds. Oregon sucks at hiring cops. 3. There's some stuff kinda going on here. I dunno. Summer is busy for me with tournaments and war and stuff...
  5. S

    A heads up...

    45min to 1hr south of me.
  6. S

    A heads up...

    What part of Oregon?
  7. S

    A heads up...

    You're going to have to make a choice. You'll see what the options are. Act in the best interest of the child.
  8. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Been busy. Glad you are all writing still.
  9. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Kung Amenophis will still be around. He just needs to do a lot more damage than he's done so far. Besides, other people have other stories they want to tell and I don't want to inject myself into everyone's story as a direct influence. So for now, The Raven King watches and waits. I just wanted...
  10. S

    Kharzai history/overview

    just some highpoints about the group. The Kharzai are the descendants of a group of elves known in Ancient Ayenee as the Eru. The Eru are rarely spoken of out loud due to the heinous deeds committed by race in the past and the dark magic they were said to practice. Those able to resist the...
  11. S

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Welp, it was fun, but I think it's time to draw that intro to a close. I'll be around here and there to maybe harass heroes and throw a bad guy at them now and then. It was fun. Use it as canon, don't use it, either way, mine arse doth not ache.
  12. S

    The Awakening and Story Arc's

    nevermind. it was just an issue with my phone. Forgive the panic.
  13. S

    The Awakening

    The sword's siren song sang softly in Khan's ears. A trembling hand slowly reached for the sword until a voice advised him to not touch flesh to the handle. A good horseman always had gloves... (Yes, he put on gloves and took the blade in hand) Duvessa lay broken near the main gates of...
  14. S

    The Awakening and Story Arc's

    The ic forums are not visible from the index.
  15. S

    The Awakening

    That blade...that wretched blade torn from Amenophis' gut spread pain through his very bones. He dropped Matron's lifeless body and touched the gaping wound. It would not seal... His eyes widened with panic at the sight of his own blood. Those entranced by his words would swiftly move to his...
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