Recent content by MarcO LordArchSole

  1. M


    Sup.. Ya still alive? 😂😂
  2. M


    Heh. Hi. Bye. See you next year.
  3. M


    I remember a lot of those names.. I might have killed a few.. or fought.. lol
  4. M


    I'm pretty sure you temp banned me.. Lol
  5. M


    Ah.. I sorta kinda maybe remember the name DarkShadow.. I think.. I definitely recall Janel. Yes Mith, you banned me enough to not forget. HA! As for Daelan.. I think I knew you and Anna.. I think..
  6. M


    So.. uh.. thanks? Who the hell is who.. all I recognize is Mithrandirxx..
  7. M


    Haha.. Well seeing as how we will turn back to coal energy, and possible nuclear weapons.. I'll just get a spot on the beach and watch it all burn. Sup.. I'm surprised there's anyone left to remember me.. we've lost a few great ones in the past 6 yrs.
  8. M


    I see.. not many actives.. but nevertheless.. actives.. As for me.. I'm doing life on Earth.. with petty tiny humans that suck..
  9. M

    Welcome to 2017

    Well.. that was depressing to read. Lol Very true though.. one of many possibilities that we are headed toward..
  10. M


    New look.. and you people still on here.. ha.. well some of you.. I think.. hell, I don't even know who I know anymore.
  11. M

    Welcome to 2017

    3 months in and I say the world is doomed..
  12. M

    Everyone inside please!!!

    haha, well you know I had to mess with the kitty, that makes it 2 yrs running I beat you.. gotta keep ya on your paws.. slowing down there, reflexes aren't as good as they used to be.. Thanks again.. lol
  13. M

    Everyone inside please!!!

    Since I'm sure it's 12:00am somewhere.. and being that time, it should be Dec 21, I would like to be the first, yet again, to wish myself a happy birthday.. :D thank you all.
  14. M

    Who's online when you are...

    Hrm, Everyone please inside.. I see me?
  15. M

    Who's online when you are...

    Chaos, TAG!! hzhahaha
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