Recent content by Corban

  1. Corban

    Guardian Corban Saezer of Ayenee

    A new particle has been named after me, nicknamed the Chi-B particle: Its interactions may explain the reports of spontaneous cat disappearance.
  2. Corban

    Guardian Corban Saezer of Ayenee

    What a familiar name. Seems your face hasn't changed much either! *quickly puts on apropos avatar* It's been several years since I've been here. I've graduated college, been working for several years, and recently closed on a house. Much of my successes and interests I credit to roleplay...
  3. Corban

    Guardian Corban Saezer of Ayenee

    A hooded man enters the thread, his weak gait threatening to collapse his legs beneath him like a house of cards. Sitting down in a chair, he rests upon his cane. His voice is a whisper, yet it carries in the still air: "Visiting the Old Worlds is much like returning to villages after they...
  4. Corban


    Apparently I'm so good at lurking that I can totally miss these kinds of things >___> In any case, heya guys! It's been a while. I was in a car crash recently. I'd like to think that all my gaming and my ninja-ing has given me uber-reflexes, for I somehow managed to avoid a terrible crash by...
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